Unlike CPAs and other tax professionals, as attorneys we have the ability to fully advise our clients on all aspects of a real estate transaction, not just those related to taxation. When you report either a sale, purchase, refinance, foreclosure or an exchange of real property, we will examine the consequences from both a tax and non-tax perspective. Most of the time, this analysis is included in our basic fee, but you should be aware that more complex transactions will incur an additional fee. Examples include the sale of a rental property, the sale or purchase of a multi unit or commercial rental property and a 1031, or like-kind exchange. We advise on the consequences of different types of financing and on the best form of holding title. We are also able to advise on property tax issues, such as exemptions for parent-child transfers and how to challenge an assessed valuation. Since we request our clients supply us with documents from their purchases and sales, whether or not completed, we are in a position to offer useful advice to minimize adverse consequences as well as detect irregularities our clients may not be aware of.